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  • 场景
    • 顺序读写 (吞吐量,常用单位为 MB/s):文件在硬盘上存储位置是连续的。
      • 适用场景:大文件拷贝(比如视频音乐)。速度即使很高,对数据库性能也没有参考价值。
    • 4K 随机读写 (IOPS,常用单位为次):在硬盘上随机位置读写数据,每次 4KB。
      • 适用场景:操作系统运行、软件运行、数据库。
  • 复杂压测考虑使用 fio
apk add hdparm

# 简单的文件写入性能
# 因为写入的 0 需要注意底层系统是否会进行压缩
dd if=/dev/zero of=test conv=fdatasync bs=384k count=1k status=progress
rm -f test

hdparm -I /dev/sda # 磁盘信息
hdparm -Tt /dev/sda # 磁盘性能

cd "/usr/local/share/ca-certificates" && curl "" | csplit -f "rds-" - '/-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----/' '{*}'




# 速度检测
# 服务端
nc -v -v -l -n -p 8000 | pv > /dev/null
# 客户端
time yes | pv | nc -v -v -n 8000 > /dev/null

# 简单的 TCP/IP 延时测试
# 服务端
nc -v -v -n -k -l 8000 | pv > /dev/null
# 客户端
# 计算接收和发送时间
nmap --packet-trace -p 8000

# qperf
# ==========
apk add --no-cache -X qperf
# 服务端
# 客户端
# _bw 带宽, _lat 延迟, 协议支持 rds, sctp, sdp, tcp, udp
qperf tcp_bw tcp_lat
# 万兆 tcp_bw: 1.12 GB/sec tcp_lat: 23.9 us
# 千兆 tcp_bw: 117 MB/sec tcp_lat: 41.6 us

# iperf
# ==========
apk add iperf3
iperf3 -s
iperf3 -c


  • akopytov/sysbench
  • 內建测试
    • fileio: a filesystem-level benchmark
    • cpu: a simple CPU benchmark
    • memory: a memory access benchmark
    • threads: a thread-based scheduler benchmark
    • mutex: a POSIX mutex benchmark
# macOS
brew install sysbench --without-mysql
# AlpineLinux
apk add sysbench

# build from source
git clone --depth=1
cd sysbench
./configure --without-mysql --prefix $PWD/dist
make -j 8
make install

# 默认 --threads=1 --time=10 --warmup-time=0
sysbench cpu run
sysbench cpu run --threads=$(nproc) --warmup-time=10 --time=20
# 查看测试相关帮助
sysbench memory help
# 默认 --memory-block-size=1K --memory-total-size=100G --memory-oper=write --memory-access-mode=seq
sysbench memory run
sysbench memory run --memory-oper=read --memory-access-mode=rnd
# 默认 --file-num=128 --file-block-size=16384 --file-total-size=2G --file-io-mode=sync --file-rw-ratio=1.5
# --file-test-mode seqwr, seqrewr, seqrd, rndrd, rndwr, rndrw
# --file-io-mode sync,async,mmap
sysbench fileio prepare
sysbench fileio run --file-test-mode=rndwr --threads=$(nproc) --warmup-time=10 --time=20

cryptsetup benchmark

apk add cryptsetup
cryptsetup benchmark

Intel Xeon E5-2660 v2 (20) @ 3.000GHz

PBKDF2-sha1       431868 iterations per second for 256-bit key
PBKDF2-sha256 652911 iterations per second for 256-bit key
PBKDF2-sha512 451972 iterations per second for 256-bit key
PBKDF2-ripemd160 309497 iterations per second for 256-bit key
PBKDF2-whirlpool 173146 iterations per second for 256-bit key
argon2i 5 iterations, 1048576 memory, 4 parallel threads (CPUs) for 256-bit key (requested 2000 ms time)
argon2id 5 iterations, 1048576 memory, 4 parallel threads (CPUs) for 256-bit key (requested 2000 ms time)
# Algorithm | Key | Encryption | Decryption
aes-cbc 128b 360.1 MiB/s 1103.8 MiB/s
serpent-cbc 128b 44.6 MiB/s 177.5 MiB/s
twofish-cbc 128b 108.6 MiB/s 206.2 MiB/s
aes-cbc 256b 262.2 MiB/s 859.0 MiB/s
serpent-cbc 256b 51.6 MiB/s 177.1 MiB/s
twofish-cbc 256b 113.7 MiB/s 202.7 MiB/s
aes-xts 256b 972.3 MiB/s 967.8 MiB/s
serpent-xts 256b 165.3 MiB/s 169.1 MiB/s
twofish-xts 256b 187.9 MiB/s 193.4 MiB/s
aes-xts 512b 782.2 MiB/s 778.0 MiB/s
serpent-xts 512b 177.1 MiB/s 168.4 MiB/s
twofish-xts 512b 190.9 MiB/s 187.9 MiB/s

Intel Xeon E5-2666 v3 (40) @ 3.500GHz

PBKDF2-sha1      1046483 iterations per second for 256-bit key
PBKDF2-sha256 1495828 iterations per second for 256-bit key
PBKDF2-sha512 1201117 iterations per second for 256-bit key
PBKDF2-ripemd160 659481 iterations per second for 256-bit key
PBKDF2-whirlpool 450419 iterations per second for 256-bit key
argon2i 4 iterations, 1048576 memory, 4 parallel threads (CPUs) for 256-bit key (requested 2000 ms time)
argon2id 4 iterations, 1048576 memory, 4 parallel threads (CPUs) for 256-bit key (requested 2000 ms time)
# Algorithm | Key | Encryption | Decryption
aes-cbc 128b 511.0 MiB/s 2380.8 MiB/s
serpent-cbc 128b 78.9 MiB/s 532.0 MiB/s
twofish-cbc 128b 147.6 MiB/s 339.5 MiB/s
aes-cbc 256b 428.3 MiB/s 1758.8 MiB/s
serpent-cbc 256b 82.6 MiB/s 513.0 MiB/s
twofish-cbc 256b 172.7 MiB/s 330.4 MiB/s
aes-xts 256b 1845.8 MiB/s 2082.5 MiB/s
serpent-xts 256b 486.0 MiB/s 452.9 MiB/s
twofish-xts 256b 311.6 MiB/s 312.9 MiB/s
aes-xts 512b 1670.7 MiB/s 1651.7 MiB/s
serpent-xts 512b 481.1 MiB/s 459.3 MiB/s
twofish-xts 512b 311.0 MiB/s 303.7 MiB/s


stress-ng --metrics-brief --cpu $(nproc) -t 1m
setting to a 60 second run per stressor
dispatching hogs: 40 cpu
stressor bogo ops real time usr time sys time bogo ops/s bogo ops/s
(secs) (secs) (secs) (real time) (usr+sys time)
cpu 2096887 60.00 2212.41 0.35 34947.11 947.63
successful run completed in 60.01s (1 min, 0.01 secs)

AMD EPYC 7601 (128) @ 2.200GHz

PBKDF2-sha1       752206 iterations per second for 256-bit key
PBKDF2-sha256 1353001 iterations per second for 256-bit key
PBKDF2-sha512 644088 iterations per second for 256-bit key
PBKDF2-ripemd160 442064 iterations per second for 256-bit key
PBKDF2-whirlpool 378820 iterations per second for 256-bit key
argon2i 4 iterations, 1048576 memory, 4 parallel threads (CPUs) for 256-bit key (requested 2000 ms time)
argon2id 4 iterations, 1048576 memory, 4 parallel threads (CPUs) for 256-bit key (requested 2000 ms time)
# Algorithm | Key | Encryption | Decryption
aes-cbc 128b 872.1 MiB/s 2663.1 MiB/s
serpent-cbc 128b 80.5 MiB/s 316.1 MiB/s
twofish-cbc 128b 174.3 MiB/s 320.9 MiB/s
aes-cbc 256b 697.7 MiB/s 2286.4 MiB/s
serpent-cbc 256b 88.4 MiB/s 316.0 MiB/s
twofish-cbc 256b 182.1 MiB/s 320.9 MiB/s
aes-xts 256b 2222.5 MiB/s 2224.5 MiB/s
serpent-xts 256b 287.5 MiB/s 290.9 MiB/s
twofish-xts 256b 293.0 MiB/s 296.7 MiB/s
aes-xts 512b 1905.1 MiB/s 1897.8 MiB/s
serpent-xts 512b 294.1 MiB/s 291.3 MiB/s
twofish-xts 512b 296.6 MiB/s 295.8 MiB/s


sysbench cpu run --threads=$(nproc) --cpu-max-prime=20000
sysbench 1.0.20 (using bundled LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta2)

Running the test with following options:
Number of threads: 128
Initializing random number generator from current time

Prime numbers limit: 20000

Initializing worker threads...

Threads started!

CPU speed:
events per second: 30864.15

General statistics:
total time: 10.0046s
total number of events: 308833

Latency (ms):
min: 1.78
avg: 4.06
max: 114.08
95th percentile: 4.10
sum: 1253151.81

Threads fairness:
events (avg/stddev): 2412.7578/60.50
execution time (avg/stddev): 9.7902/0.15


stress-ng --metrics-brief --cpu $(nproc) -t 1m
setting to a 60 second run per stressor
dispatching hogs: 128 cpu
stressor bogo ops real time usr time sys time bogo ops/s bogo ops/s
(secs) (secs) (secs) (real time) (usr+sys time)
cpu 6770087 60.00 7654.65 0.01 112830.66 884.44
successful run completed in 60.03s (1 min, 0.03 secs)