- https://fedidcg.github.io/FedCM/
- Chrome 105
- WebID
- 由浏览器进行 oauth 操作
- /.well-known/web-identity -> provider_urls
- IdentityCredential
- navigator.credentials
- Credential Management
- Chrome 51+, Safari 13
- mdn FederatedCredential
<title>Welcome to my Website</title>
<button onclick="login()">Login with idp.example</button>
async function login() {
// IdentityCredential
// <code data-opaque bs-autolink-syntax='`token`'>token</code>
return await navigator.credentials.get({
mediation: 'optional', // 默认为 optional
// 新增
identity: {
providers: [
configURL: 'https://idp.example/manifest.json',
clientId: '123',
nonce: random(), //
"accounts_endpoint": "",
"client_metadata_endpoint": "",
"id_token_endpoint": "",
"branding": {
"background_color": "",
"color": "",
"icons": [{"url": "", "size": 32}]
Accounts List
"accounts": [
"id": "",
"name": "",
"email": "",
"given_name": "",
"picture": "",
"approved_clients": [""]
Client Metadata
"privacy_policy_url": "https://rp.example/clientmetadata/privacy_policy.html",
"terms_of_service_url": "https://rp.example/clientmetadata/terms_of_service.html"
ID Token
POST /fedcm_token_endpoint HTTP/1.1
Host: idp.example
Referer: https://rp.example/
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Cookie: 0x23223
Sec-FedCM-CSRF: ?1
- 所有浏览器发起的请求都会带上 Sec-FedCM-CSRF
"token" : "JWT"