ECMAScript Version
Version | Official Name | Date | Description |
JavaScript 1.0 | 1995 | by Brendan Eich | |
ES1 | ECMAScript 1 | 1997 | ECMA-262 |
ES2 | ECMAScript 2 | 1998 | |
ES3 | ECMAScript 3 | 1999 | |
ES4 | ECMAScript 4 | 未发布 | |
ES5 | ECMAScript 5 | 2009 | |
ES6 | ECMAScript 2015 | 2015 | |
ECMAScript 2016 | 2016 | ||
ECMAScript 2017 | 2017 | ||
ECMAScript 2018 | 2018 | ||
ECMAScript 2019 | 2019 | ||
ECMAScript 2020 | 2020 | ||
ECMAScript 2021 | 2021 | ||
ECMAScript 2022 | 2022 | ||
ECMAScript 2023 | 2023 | ||
ECMAScript 2024 | 2024 | ||
ES.Next | 下一个版本 |
ES | NodeJS |
ES2022 | NodeJS 20 |
ES2022 | NodeJS 18 |
ES2021 | NodeJS 16 |
ES2020 | NodeJS 14 |
ES2019 | NodeJS 12 |
ES2018 | NodeJS 10 |
ES2017 | NodeJS 8.10 |
- 今年采纳的建议,发布到下一年版本,因此会相差一年版本号
stage | for | note |
stage 0 | Strawperson | |
stage 1 | Proposal | |
stage 2 | Draft | 描述准确 |
stage 3 | Candidate | 实现,等待用户使用反馈 |
stage 4 | Finished | 准备添加到 标准 |
proposal | stage | note |
decorators | stage 3 | TS 5.0 |
decorator-metadata | stage 3 | TS 5.2 |
Import Attributes | TS 5.3 | |
temporal | stage 3 | |
shadowrealm | stage 3 | |
binary-ast | ||
set-methods | stage 3 | |
record-tuple | stage 2 | |
async-context | stage 2 |
- Promise.try
new Promise(r => r(f()))
- Stage 3 - 接下来可能会加入到语言中的功能特性
Import Assertions- Import Attribute
import data from 'data.json' with {type:'json']}
- JSON Modules
- Intl.DisplayNames
- temporal - Temporal - 替代 Date
- 2023
- array group, groupToMap
- Array - toReversed, toSorted, toSpliced, with
- Array.fromAsync
- modules-import-hooks-refactor
- stage 1
- import 过程可控
- Function.memo
await generateItems().toArray()
syntax | Chrome | Name | Note |
?. | Chrome80 | Optional chaining | |
?? | Chrome80 | Nullish coalescing operator | |
??= | Chrome85 | Nullish coalescing assignment | |
#name | Chrome74 | Private class fields | |
using | Explicit Resource Management | TS 5.2 |
feat | Version | note |
globalThis | Chrome71, NodeJS12 |
- es5 和 es6 是一个分界线
- 2018 年所有浏览器支持 es6
- 之后统一版本概念变弱 - 都以功能特性为单位
- tc39/proposals
- TC39 Process
- Finished Proposals
- Active Proposals
- Stage 1 Proposals
- Stage 0 Proposals
- Inactive/Withdrawn Proposals
- ECMAScript Language Specification
- 参考
- Explicit Resource Management
- Symbol.dispose
- Symbol.asyncDispose
- DisposableStack
- AsyncDisposableStack
- SuppressedError
- Temporal
- Temporal.PlainDate
- Temporal.PlainTime
- Temporal.PlainMonthDay
- Temporal.PlainYearMonth
- fullcalendar/temporal-polyfill
import 'temporal-polyfill/global';
- 部分实现, 20kb
- js-temporal/temporal-polyfill
- 没有 global
- 完整实现,更大, 56+kb
const date = Temporal.PlainDate(2024, 5, 1);
const time = new Temporal.PlainTime(10, 30);
const md = new Temporal.PlainMonthDay(5, 1);
const ym = new Temporal.PlainYearMonth(2024, 5);
ECMAScript 2024
- Promise.withResolvers
- Object.groupBy
- Map.groupBy
- RegExp
, unicodeSets/^\p{RGI_Emoji}$/v.test('😵💫')
=true - Unicode string properties/^[\q{😵💫}]$/v.test('😵💫')
=true - \q for String literals/^[\p{RGI_Emoji}--\q{😵💫}]$/v.test('😵💫')
=false - 支持排除
- ArrayBuffer.{resize,transfer}
- SharedArrayBuffers 只能 grow, 且没有 transfer, 因为不支持 transfer
- String.{isWellFormed,toWellFormed}
- Atomics.waitAsync for SharedArrayBuffer
ECMAScript 2023
- Array toReversed, toSorted, toSpliced, findLast, findLastIndex, with
- TypedArray, Array
- Hashbang Grammar - JS 直接作为可执行脚本
#!/usr/bin/env node
[1, 2].with(1, 0);
ECMAScript 2022
- String at
- Array at
- Regex
- start and end of the match - Object.hasOwn
- Error cause
- Top-level await
- Class
- field 定义
- private field
- static block
// Class Fields
class Counter extends HTMLElement {
// 私有
#val = 0;
get #x() { return #val; }
set #x(value) {
this.#val = value;
#inc() {
this.#val ++
// 静态
static #blue = "#0000ff";
static getBlue() {
return this.#blue
// regex 索引
// d -> indices
// Top-level await
await Promise.resolve()
// static block
class C {
static {
// statements
// error cause
try {
throw new Error('error', { cause: err });
} catch (e) {
console.log('Caused by', e.cause);
// Array#at
ECMAScript 2021
- Promise.any
- String#replaceAll
- 数字分隔符 -
- FinalizationRegistry
- 注册 GC 回调
// WeakRef.prototype.deref
new WeakRef(() => 1);
// Logical Assignment Operators
a ||= b;
a &&= b;
a ??= b;
// Numeric separators
ECMAScript 2020
- BigInt
- GoogleChromeLabs/jsbi
- pure-JavaScript implementation of BigInt
- GoogleChromeLabs/jsbi
- String matchAll()
Nullish Coalescing Operator?.
Optional Chaining Operator&&=
Logical AND Assignment Operator||=
Logical OR Assignment??=
Nullish Coalescing Assignment- Promise.allSettled
Dynamic Import- for-in 顺序
// String.prototype.matchAll
// 要求 RegEx 必须有 g 标识
// 动态 import
// 模块元信息
// Promise.all 会在第一个异常时终止
// Optional Chaining
// Nullish coalescing Operator
undefined ?? null ?? 0 ?? 1;
ECMAScript 2019
- String trimStart,trimEnd
- Object fromEntries
- Optional catch binding
- Array flat, flatMap
- Array.sort - 修改为稳定排序
- JSON superset
- Function.prototype.toString revision
- 修改 Function.toString 返回完整无修改源码
- Well-formed JSON.stringify
- 修复 JSON.stringify 处理
的问题 - 避免返回错误 Unicode escape
- 修复 JSON.stringify 处理
// Optional catch binding
try {
} catch {}
Object.fromEntries([['k', 'v']]);
// String.prototype.{trimStart,trimEnd}
' 1 '.trimStart().trimEnd();
// Array.prototype.{flat,flatMap}
[[1], [2]].flat();
[0, 0].flatMap((_, i) => [1]);
ECMAScript 2018
// Regex Named Group
// Regex s -> dot all, single line
// Regex Lookbehind Assertions
// Regex Unicode Property Escapes
// \p{UnicodePropertyName=UnicodePropertyValue}
// General_Category, Script, Script_Extensions
// \p{LoneUnicodePropertyNameOrValue}
// Alphabetic, Uppercase, Lowercase, White_Space, Noncharacter_Code_Point, Default_Ignorable_Code_Point, Any, ASCII, Assigned, ID_Start, ID_Continue, Join_Control, Emoji_Presentation, Emoji_Modifier, Emoji_Modifier_Base
// Object Rest/Spread
const {a,} = {a:1,b:2,...{c:3}}
// Promise#finally
// Asynchronous Iteration
// [Symbol.asyncIterator]
for await (const line of readLines()) {
async function* readLines(){
yield await Promise.resolve('Line 1')
yield 'Line 2'