- Continuation Local Storage - 连续本地存储
- AsyncLocalStorage - node v12.17+
- 类似 ThreadLocal
- getStore, setStore
- disable
- enterWith - 当前环境 - AsyncResource 上下文
- run - callback 内生效
- exit - callback 内失效
- AsyncLocalStorage.snapshot
- AsyncResource
// ALS
// v13.10.0, v12.17.0
import { AsyncLocalStorage, AsyncResource } from 'node:async_hooks';
const asyncLocalStorage = new AsyncLocalStorage();, () => {
console.log(`Store: ${asyncLocalStorage.getStore()}`);
setImmediate(() => {
console.log(`setImmediate Store: ${asyncLocalStorage.getStore()}`);
- async_hooks - node v8+
- currentId()
- triggerAsyncId()
- executionAsyncId()
// node 8+
import { createHook } from 'async_hooks';
const hook = createHook({
init: (asyncId, type, triggerId, resource) => {},
before: (asyncId) => {},
after: (asyncId) => {},
destroy: (asyncId) => {},
- @fastify/request-context
- asynchronous-local-storage
- async_hooks
new AsyncResource('fastify-request-context')
- onRequest - 包装运行环境
- als.runWith
- AsyncResource.runInAsyncScope(done,req,raw)
- als.runWith
const { als } = require('asynchronous-local-storage');
const requestContext = {
get: als.get,
set: als.set,
const namespace = cls.createNamespace('sequelize-tx');
- useCLS
- get, set, bind, run
bind(fn,context): ()=>any
- prepareEnvironment
- 开启事务
this.sequelize.Sequelize._cls.set('transaction', this);
- asynchronous-local-storage
- Node.js ALS with fallback to cls-hooked
- cls-hooked
- node 4.7+ - async-hook-jl
- node 8+ - async_hooks
- fork 自 continuation-local-storage
- continuation-local-storage
const cls = require('cls-hooked');
const namespace = cls.createNamespace('my-very-own-namespace');