- .torrent
- Magnet Link
- 替代 .torrent 文件,通过 URI 表示共享的文件信息。
- Tracker
- Peer Protocol
- HTTP Tracker
- UDP Tracker Protocol
- Distributed Hash Table (DHT)
- Kademlia
- P2P Protocol
- Handshake:初次连接时交换信息。
- Piece:交换文件数据。
- Have:通知拥有的数据块。
- PEX - Peer Exchange
- 让节点之间共享已知的 Peer 列表,减少对 Tracker 的依赖。
- 分片(Piece)机制
- 将大文件分成小片段(Piece),实现高效的并行下载。
- 每个文件被分成多个 Piece,每个 Piece 都有一个 SHA-1 哈希值。
- Peer 下载时验证每个 Piece 的完整性。
- 超种(Super-Seeding)模式
- 提高 Seeder 初次分发文件的效率。
- Seeder 优先将不同的 Piece 传给不同的 Peer,减少重复传输。
- 适用于文件刚发布、节点数较少的场景。
- 扩展
- uTP(Micro Transport Protocol):
- 基于 UDP 的传输协议,减少网络拥塞。
- μTP
- Fast Extension:
- 提高下载速度的功能,例如允许 Peer 请求跳跃式的 Piece。
- Peer Identification:
- 识别 Peer 的下载客户端(如 μTorrent、qBittorrent)。
- uTP(Micro Transport Protocol):
Spec | Title | Status |
BEP03 | The BitTorrent Protocol Specification | 🟢 |
BEP04 | Known Number Allocations | 🟢 |
BEP05 | DHT Protocol | ✅ |
BEP06 | Fast Extension | ✅ |
BEP07 | IPv6 Tracker Extension | 📝 |
BEP08 | Tracker Peer Obfuscation | 🟡 |
BEP09 | Extension for Peers to Send Metadata Files | ✅ |
BEP10 | Extension Protocol | ✅ |
BEP11 | Peer Exchange (PEX) | ✅ |
BEP12 | Multitracker Metadata Extension | ✅ |
BEP14 | Local Service Discovery | ✅ |
BEP15 | UDP Tracker Protocol | ✅ |
BEP16 | Superseeding | 📝 |
BEP17 | HTTP Seeding (Hoffman-style) | 📝 |
BEP18 | Search Engine Specification | 🟡 |
BEP19 | WebSeed - HTTP/FTP Seeding (GetRight-style) | ✅ |
BEP20 | Peer ID Conventions | 🟢 |
BEP21 | Extension for Partial Seeds | 📝 |
BEP22 | BitTorrent Local Tracker Discovery Protocol | 🟡 |
BEP23 | Tracker Returns Compact Peer Lists | ✅ |
BEP24 | Tracker Returns External IP | 📝 |
BEP26 | Zeroconf Peer Advertising and Discovery | 🟡 |
BEP27 | Private Torrents | ✅ |
BEP28 | Tracker exchange | 🟡 |
BEP29 | uTorrent transport protocol | ✅ |
BEP30 | Merkle tree torrent extension | 📝 |
BEP31 | Tracker Failure Retry Extension | 📝 |
BEP32 | IPv6 extension for DHT | 📝 |
BEP33 | DHT scrape | 📝 |
BEP34 | DNS Tracker Preferences | 📝 |
BEP35 | Torrent Signing | 📝 |
BEP36 | Torrent RSS feeds | 📝 |
BEP38 | Finding Local Data Via Torrent File Hints | 📝 |
BEP39 | Updating Torrents Via Feed URL | 📝 |
BEP40 | Canonical Peer Priority | 📝 |
BEP41 | UDP Tracker Protocol Extensions | 📝 |
BEP42 | DHT Security Extension | 📝 |
BEP43 | Read-only DHT Nodes | 📝 |
BEP44 | Storing arbitrary data in the DHT | 📝 |
BEP45 | Multiple-address operation for the BitTorrent DHT | 📝 |
BEP46 | Updating Torrents Via DHT Mutable Items | 📝 |
BEP47 | Padding files and extended file attributes | 📝 |
BEP48 | Tracker Protocol Extension: Scrape | 📝 |
BEP49 | Distributed Torrent Feeds | 📝 |
BEP50 | Publish/Subscribe Protocol | 📝 |
BEP51 | DHT Infohash Indexing | 📝 |
BEP52 | The BitTorrent Protocol Specification v2 | 📝 |
BEP53 | Magnet URI extension - Select specific file indices for download | 📝 |
BEP54 | The lt_donthave extension | 📝 |
BEP55 | Holepunch extension | ✅ |
BEP1000 | Pending Standards Track Documents | 🟢 |
🟢 - Final & Active ✅ - Accepted 📝 - Draft 🟡 - Deferred
- MAGnet MAnifest
- bencode meta file
"announce": "",
"announce-list": [[""]],
"comment": "",
"created by": "",
"creation date": 0,
"encoding": "UTF-8",
"info": {
"name": "file",
"piece length": 262144,
"pieces": [[]],
"length": 0,
"files": [
"length": 0,
"path": ["file.mkv"]
// 非标准字段
"nodes": [["", 0]],
"saved by": "",
"save date": 0,
"hash": ""
- announce 有时为 数组
- info 为主要内容 - infohash 基于 sha1(info)
- piece length
- 源文件切分块大小
- 2^18 = 256 K - BitTorrent 3.2+
- 2^20 = 1 M
- 源文件切分块大小
- pieces -
- sh1 数组 - sha1 长为 20
- md4
- length - 单文件时存在
- files - 目录时存在
- path
- length
- piece length
- piece 可能包含多文件 - 有的客户端会生成 padding 文件
BEP30 Merkle hash torrent extension
- SHA1
Scrape for HTTP Tracker
GET http://tracker/scrape?info_hash=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx&info_hash=yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
"files": {
"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx": { "complete": 11, "downloaded": 13772, "incomplete": 19 },
"yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy": { "complete": 21, "downloaded": 206, "incomplete": 20 }
BEP52 BitTorrent v2
- metainfo
- announce
- info
- name
- piece length
- meta version=2
- v1 不会设置
- file tree
- UTF-8, 不能有 . 和 .., root 必须是目录- 文件包含 空 key
- length - 文件长度
- pieces root
- root hash of a merkle tree with a branching factor of 2
- 32 bytes
- N*16KiB
- SHA2-256
- files - 兼容 v1
- attr=p 为 padding 文件
- length
- path
- piece layers
- root -> tree
- infohash - sha2-256
- 有时作为 torrent id 会截取 20 bytes
- bittorrent-v2
- SHA-256 File Hash - 之前 sha-1
- Hash Tree - 可以用 目录 hash 找文件 - v1 文件多的时候非常慢,包含所有 hash
- 16 kiB 块 hash
- 文件 Hash - 相同复用,会有 Pad 补齐块
- 磁力链接支持 v2 btmh -
magnet:?xt=urn:btmh: &dn=&tr=
- Merkle tree