

  • https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7946
  • @types/geojson
  • 数据类型
    • 包括点(Point)
    • 线(LineString)
    • 多边形(Polygon)
    • 多点(MultiPoint)
    • 多线(MultiLineString)
    • 多多边形(MultiPolygon)
    • 几何集合(GeometryCollection)
  • 结构
    • Geometry - 几何 - 描述单个地理空间实体的形状,如点、线或多边形。
    • Feature - 特征 - 包含一个几何对象和一组与之关联的属性。
    • FeatureCollection - 特征集合
  • 坐标系统 WGS 84
    • 先经度后纬度
  • BBox - 边界框
    • 确定对象的地理范围
    • 西南、东北
    • [最小经度, 最小纬度, 最大经度, 最大纬度]
  • url
    • lat,lon,alt,unc -> latitude, longitude, altitude, uncertainty
// Bounding Box
export type BBox = [number, number, number, number] | [number, number, number, number, number, number];
// x,y,z
export type Position = [number, number] | [number, number, number];
// 几何对象
export type Geometry = Point | MultiPoint | LineString | MultiLineString | Polygon | MultiPolygon | GeometryCollection;

export interface GeoJsonObject {
type: string;
* Bounding box of the coordinate range of the object's Geometries, Features, or Feature Collections.
* The value of the bbox member is an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions
* represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point
* followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point.
* The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.
* https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7946#section-5
bbox?: BBox | undefined;

export interface Point extends GeoJsonObject {
type: 'Point';
coordinates: Position;

export interface MultiPoint extends GeoJsonObject {
type: 'MultiPoint';
coordinates: Position[];

export interface LineString extends GeoJsonObject {
type: 'LineString';
coordinates: Position[];

export interface MultiLineString extends GeoJsonObject {
type: 'MultiLineString';
coordinates: Position[][];

export interface Polygon extends GeoJsonObject {
type: 'Polygon';
coordinates: Position[][];

export interface MultiPolygon extends GeoJsonObject {
type: 'MultiPolygon';
coordinates: Position[][][];

export interface GeometryCollection<G extends Geometry = Geometry> extends GeoJsonObject {
type: 'GeometryCollection';
geometries: G[];

export type GeoJsonProperties = { [name: string]: any } | null;

export interface Feature<G extends Geometry | null = Geometry, P = GeoJsonProperties> extends GeoJsonObject {
type: 'Feature';
* The feature's geometry
geometry: G;
* A value that uniquely identifies this feature in a
* https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7946#section-3.2.
id?: string | number | undefined;
* Properties associated with this feature.
properties: P;

export interface FeatureCollection<G extends Geometry | null = Geometry, P = GeoJsonProperties> extends GeoJsonObject {
type: 'FeatureCollection';
features: Array<Feature<G, P>>;