- jgm/pandoc
- GPLv2, Haskell
- 参考
Pandoc 可用于直接将 Markdown 转换为 Word 或者 PDF. 也支持将 Word 或者 PDF 转换为 Markdown, 是一款非常强大的文档转换工具.支持的格式有
输入格式: commonmark, docbook, docx, epub, haddock, html, json*, latex,
markdown, markdown_github, markdown_mmd, markdown_phpextra,
markdown_strict, mediawiki, native, odt, opml, org, rst, t2t,
textile, twiki
[ *only Pandoc's JSON version of native AST]
输出格式: asciidoc, beamer, commonmark, context, docbook, docx, dokuwiki,
dzslides, epub, epub3, fb2, haddock, html, html5, icml, json*,
latex, man, markdown, markdown_github, markdown_mmd,
markdown_phpextra, markdown_strict, mediawiki, native, odt,
opendocument, opml, org, pdf**, plain, revealjs, rst, rtf, s5,
slideous, slidy, texinfo, textile
[**for pdf output, use latex or beamer and -o FILENAME.pdf]
brew install pandoc # macOS brew
# Markdown 转 docx
pandoc -f markdown -t docx -o output.docx
# doc -> markdown
pandoc doc.docx -f docx -t markdown -o
# Markdown 转 pdf
# 依赖于 pdflatex
# Mac 下可通过安装 maclatex 提供 pdflatex
brew install librsvg python basictex # macOS basictex 更小 90MB
cd /usr/local/texlive/2024basic/bin/universal-darwin/
./tlmgr update --self
./tlmgr install collection-fontsrecommended
./tlmgr install xecjk # File `xeCJK.sty' not found
# ./tlmgr install texliveonfly
# ./tlmgr install enumitem
# ./tlmgr install fnbreak
# brew install mactex # macOS mactex 非常大 5.6G
pandoc -f markdown -t latex -o output.pdf
LaTeX Error: Unicode character
--pdf-engine=xelatex -V CJKmainfont="KaiTi"
--pdf-engine=xelatex -V mainfont="Noto"
--pdf-engine=xelatex -V CJKmainfont="Source Han Serif CN"
fc-list :lang=zh
Package soul Error: Reconstruction failed.
See the soul package documentation for explanation.
-V CJKmainfont="STSong"
-> -V mainfont="STSong"
pandoc Missing character: There is no in font ectt1000
使用 -V mainfont="STSong"
,虽然生成的有内容,但是会有大量的 Missing character: There is no in font