API Awesome
API/RPC 考虑因素
- 灵活
- 静态结构
- 动态结构
- 兼容性
- 性能
- 延时要求
- 服务对服务
- 服务对客户端
- 序列化
- 二进制
- 文本 - JSON
- 语言兼容
- 需要支持什么语言
- 自用只需考虑个别语言
- 对外则需要考虑通用
- 接口模式
- 请求响应
- 流式请求
- 流式响应
- 规范
- 生成友好
- 元数据信息完整
- 场景
- 自用 - 满足内部使用即可
- 对外 - 采用现有标准规范
- 生态
- 可观察性
- Metric
- Trace
- 网关
- 中间件感知
- 可观察性
API Gateway 考虑因素
- 管理能力
- 负责 增删改 Endpoint - vendor lockin
- 使用现有配置 - 控制能力弱
- 可观察性能力
- Metric 集成
- Trace 集成
- 内置 - 网关采集、内置显示
- 外部 - grafana、jeager、prometheus
- 控制能力
- Auth
- Threshold
- 注入自定义逻辑 - Hook
- 协议感知能力
- gRPC
- GraphQL
- 平台集成能力
- Kubernetes Service、Annotatation
- Consul Service
- 实现模式
- 无侵入 - 直接网络拦截
- 网络层处理 - Cilium
- 侵入 - 修改代码逻辑
- 中间件 - 集成 metric、trace 等能力
- SQL Trace
- Sidecar - 按应用网络拦截
- 获取基础 metric 信息、可能能实现 trace 能力
- Agent 能代表应用身份
- 通常还能实现 E2E 加密认证
- 无侵入 - 直接网络拦截
- 元数据存储方式
- DB - PostgreSQL、MySQL - 需要额外维护、但方便排查使用
- Google AIP - API Improvement Proposals
- Zalando RESTful API and Event Guidelines
- How to design better REST APIs
- 一致 - 字段名、接口名、授权、头处理、状态码、HTTP 方法
- ISO 8601 Date
- 区分不需要授权的接口
- 提供 GET /health
- API 添加版本 - 例如 /v1/health
- Accept API key authentication - 服务端对服务端
- 使用正确的 HTTP 状态码
- 使用正确的 HTTP 方法
- Use self-explanatory, simple names
- 使用标准的错误响应 - HTTP 状态码+对应消息体
- 创建成功返回创建内容
- Be as specific as possible
- Use pagination
- Allow expanding resources
- https://stripe.com/blog/idempotency
- microsoft/api-guidelines
- RFC9110 HTTP Semantics
- Financial-grade API
- Microsoft Graph
- github microsoftgraph
- graph-explorer
- WangNingkai/OLAINDEX
- https://www.asyncapi.com/docs/specifications/v2.3.0
- https://swagger.io/specification/
- https://jsonapi.org/format/
- webrpc/webrpc
- rpc 和 serialization 主要的区别在于 服务 是否为第一公民
- 除了 gRPC, jsonrpc 其他 rpc 实现基本都是语言相关的
- 意味着 非第一方语言的支持相对较弱
- gRPC 是支持最多语言的 RPC 协议
RPC | by | Languages | Notes |
gRPC | |||
Thrift | Java | ||
twirp | TwitchTV | Go - PHP,Ruby | |
finagle | Scala | Apache-2.0 | |
tarpc | Rust | ||
ice | |||
国产 | |||
HSF | Alibaba | Java | |
Dubbo | Alibaba | Java | |
go-zero | 好未来技术 | Go | |
kitex | 字节跳动 | Go | |
sofa-rpc | 蚂蚁金服 | Java | |
tars | 腾讯 | C++,Java,NodeJS,PHP,Web | BSD-3 |
brpc | 百度 | C++,Java | |
motan | 微博 | Java | |
cat | 大众点评 | Java | |
rpcx | Go | ||
erpc | Go |
Microservice | by | Tech |
armeria | Line | Java |
国产 | ||
kratos | 哔哩哔哩 | Go,gRPC |
go-chassis | Go | |
go-doudou | Go |
- gRPC
- by Google
- connect - 支持 HTTP POST ,兼容 gRPC, gRPC Web
- Avro
- json-api/json-api
- application/vnd.api+json
- only-cliches/NoProto
- MIT, Rust
- Flexible, Fast & Compact Serialization with RPC
- twitchtv/twirp
- by Twitch
- finagle
- Apache-2.0, Scala
- by Twitter
- tRPC
- trpc-group/trpc-go
- 不是 JS 的 tRPC,是腾讯的 RPC
- Tencent/flare
- elpheria/rpc-websockets
- LGPLv3, TS, JS
- JSON-RPC 2.0 over WebSockets
- protobuf
- flatbuffer
- json
- xml
- yaml
- msgpack
- inkeliz/karmem
- BSD-3
- faster than Google Flatbuffers and optimized for TinyGo and WASM
- betwixt-labs/bebop
- Typescript, C#, Rust, C++
- betwixt-labs/tempo
- Avro, CapnProto, Protobufs, Flatbuffers
- Schema-ful, copying: Protobuf, Thrift, plenty more
- Schema-ful, zero-copy: Cap'n'proto, Flatbuffers
- Schema-less, copying: Json (binary and other variants included), XML
- Schema-less, zero-copy: Flexbuffers
- Avro is also another data serialization format. Schema-Ful,
- Arrow would be schema-ful, zero-copy
- CBOR - Concise Binary Object Representation
- 与 JSON 混用
- https://github.com/djkoloski/rust_serialization_benchmark
- https://github.com/alecthomas/go_serialization_benchmarks
Data Gateway
- Hasura
- graphile
- PostREST
- Prisma2
- stargate/stargate
- Java, Apache-2.0
- urigo/graphql-mesh
- GraphQL Adapter
- 后端支持 GraphQL, JSON Schema, gRPC, Swagger, OpenAPI, SOAP, Postgres, Mongo, OData, Thrift, SQLite, MySQL, Neo4j
- JavaScript/Typescript/NodeJS
- hey-api/openapi-ts
- OpenAPI to TypeScript codegen. Generate clients, SDKs, validators
- metadevpro/openapi3-ts
- TS Model
- APIDevTools/swagger-parser
- OpenAPI 2.0, 3.0 parser/validator
- Resolves all $ref
- hey-api/openapi-ts
- Codegen
- 7nohe/openapi-react-query-codegen
- OpenAPI -> React Query+@hey-api/openapi-ts
- orval-labs/orval
- ⚠️ 项目开发不活跃
- OpenAPI -> TS
- OpenAPITools/openapi-generator
- OpenAPI -> Client & Server
- drwpow/openapi-typescript
- OpenAPI -> Typescript
- curlconverter/curlconverter
- cURL -> Code
- glideapps/quicktype
- JSON, Schema, GraphQL -> type & converter
- 7nohe/openapi-react-query-codegen
- fern-api/fern
- Apache-2.0, TS, JS
- OpenAPI -> SDKs & Docs
- Ruby, Python, TS, Java, Go, C#, PHP
- getkin/kin-openapi
- MIT, Golang
- OpenAPIv3 for Go
- Diff
npx -y openapi-typescript https://github.com/openai/openai-openapi/raw/master/openapi.yaml --output apis.d.ts
# @7nohe/openapi-react-query-codegen
# ==================================
# https://openapi-react-query-codegen.vercel.app/guides/introduction
# default to @hey-api/client-fetch
npm add @hey-api/client-fetch
npx --package @7nohe/openapi-react-query-codegen openapi-rq -i ./petstore.yaml
API Gateway
API 生命周期管理
- apache/apisix
- apache/incubator-shenyu
- 可扩展、高性能、响应式的 Java API 网关
- Kong
- Tyk
- luraproject/lura
- How to choose the right API Gateway for your platform
- api-platform/api-platform
- Create REST and GraphQL APIs, scaffold Jamstack webapps, stream changes in real-time.
- slatedocs/slate
- widdershins
- OpenAPI -> slate markdown
- Redocly/redoc
- swagger
- graphql
- OpenAPI
- syroegkin/swagger-markdown
- 只支持 v2
API IDE/Client
- usebruno/bruno
- ightweight alternative to postman/insomnia
- 自定义的 bru 格式
- 通过 Desktop APP、CLI、VSC Extension
- HN https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=39653718
- vs Postman
- Hoppscotch
- MIT, Vue+Typescript
- 不能持久化
- 支持 OpenAPI, GraphQL
- Kong/insomnia
- GraphQL, REST, WebSockets, gRPC
- 需要上传才能同步
- google/gnostic
- EsperoTech/yaade
- self-hosted, collaborative API development environment
- SoapUI
- kubeshop/tracetest
- mquan/api2ai
- Create API agents from OpenAPI Specs
- ShishirPatil/gorilla
- API store for LLMs
- Markup
- Testing
- stepci/stepci
- MPLv2, TS
- Automated API Testing and Quality Assurance
- stepci/stepci
- 商业
- YMFE/yapi
- YMFE 去哪儿网
- 商业产品 apifox
- thx/rap2-delos
- thx/RAP
- sx1989827/DOClever
- RecipeUI/RecipeUI
- NodeJS
- vpulim/node-soap
- [npm:soap]
- loopbackio/strong-soap
- [npm:strong-soap]
- circa10a/easy-soap-request
- [npm:easy-soap-request]
- vpulim/node-soap
- Public
Produce OpenAPI
- AndrewWalsh/openapi-devtools
- Chrome 插件
- 在浏览时生成接口
- alufers/mitmproxy2swagger
- Automagically reverse-engineer REST APIs via capturing traffic
- jonluca/har-to-openapi
- public-apis/public-apis
- How Uber Engineering Evaluated JSON Encoding and Compression Algorithms to Put the Squeeze on Trip Data
- 2016-02