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# Client port of 4222 on all interfaces
port: 4222

# HTTP monitoring port
monitor_port: 8222

# NSC 生成的 Operator JWT
operator: $HOME/.nsc/nats/O/O.jwt
# Account Server
resolver: URL(http://localhost:9090/jwt/v1/accounts/)

# This is for clustering multiple servers together.
cluster {

# Route connections to be received on any interface on port 6222
port: 6222

# Routes are protected, so need to use them with --routes flag
# e.g. --routes=nats-route://ruser:T0pS3cr3t@otherdockerhost:6222
authorization {
user: ruser
password: T0pS3cr3t
timeout: 2

# Routes are actively solicited and connected to from this server.
# This Docker image has none by default, but you can pass a
# flag to the gnatsd docker image to create one to an existing server.
routes = []



nats server passwd -p 123456
authorization {
default_permissions = {
publish = "SANDBOX.*"
subscribe = ["PUBLIC.>", "_INBOX.>"]
publish = ">"
subscribe = ">"
publish = ["req.a", "req.b"]
subscribe = "_INBOX.>"
subscribe = ["req.a", "req.b"]
publish = "_INBOX.>"
users = [
{user: admin, password: $ADMIN_PASS, permissions: $ADMIN}
{user: client, password: $CLIENT_PASS, permissions: $REQUESTOR}
{user: service, password: $SERVICE_PASS, permissions: $RESPONDER}
{user: other, password: $OTHER_PASS}
user: test
password: test
permissions: {
publish: {
deny: ">"
subscribe: {
allow: "client.>"
{ user: b, password: b, permissions: {subscribe: "q", allow_responses: true } },
{ user: c, password: c, permissions: {subscribe: "q", allow_responses: { max: 5, expires: "1m" } } }

accounts: {
A: {
users: [
{user: a, password: a}
exports: [
{stream: puba.>}
{service: pubq.>}
{stream: b.>, accounts: [B]}
{service: q.b, accounts: [B]}
B: {
users: [
{user: b, password: b}
imports: [
{stream: {account: A, subject: b.>}}
{service: {account: A, subject: q.b}}
C: {
users: [
{user: c, password: c}
imports: [
{stream: {account: A, subject: puba.>}, prefix: from_a}
{service: {account: A, subject: pubq.C}, to: Q}
no_auth_user: a