

# 从源码安装
go install github.com/nats-io/natscli/nats@latest

# macOS
brew tap nats-io/nats-tools
brew install nats-io/nats-tools/nats

# cheatsheet
nats cheat --sections
nats cheat

# 上下文管理
nats context add local --description "Localhost"
nats context add nats --server demo.nats.io:4222 --description "NATS Demo" --select

nats context ls # 所有上下文
nats context select local # 切换上下文 - 也可以 --context=CONTEXT

nats account info # 当前账号信息
nats rtt # 与服务器 rt - 相当于 PING 作用

nats event --context system
nats event --short

# SYS 账号操作
nats server ping
nats server list
nats server info nats-0
# nats event - JSON Schema
# https://app.quicktype.io/ 生成其他语言
nats schema ls

nats -s wss://demo.nats.io:8443 sub '>'
"description": "Localhost",
"url": "nats://",
"user": "",
"password": "",
"creds": "",
"nkey": "",
"cert": "",
"key": "",
"ca": "",
"nsc": "",
"jetstream_api_prefix": "",
"jetstream_event_prefix": ""
  • publish
  • request
  • subscribe
  • stream - str
    • add|edit|info|ls|rm|purge|copy
    • report
    • find
    • seal
    • get|rmm|view|
    • backup|restore
    • cluster step-down|peer-remove
    • template create|info|ls|rm
  • consumer
    • add|copy|edit|ls|rm
    • info
    • next|sub
    • report
  • context
    • save|edit|ls|rm|select|info|validate
  • errors
    • ls|lookup|edit|validate
  • events
  • governor
    • add|view|reset|evict|rm
  • kv
    • add|put|get|create|update|del|purge|ls
    • history|status
    • watch
    • compact
    • upgrade
      • upgrade early tech-preview bucket to current format
  • object
    • add|put|del|get|ls|seal|watch
    • info
  • schema
    • info|validate
  • server
    • info|ls|ping
    • report
      • connections|accounts|jetstream
    • request
      • subscriptions|variables|connections|routes|gateways|leafnodes|accounts|jetstream
    • raft
      • step-down|peer-remove
    • passwd
    • check
      • connection|stream|meta|jetstream|server
  • account
    • info
    • report connections
  • backup|restore - 备份/恢复 JetStream
  • bench
  • latency
  • cheat
  • rtt


usage: nats [<flags>] <command> [<args> ...]

NATS Utility

NATS Server and JetStream administration.

See 'nats cheat' for a quick cheatsheet of commands

-h, --help Show context-sensitive help (also try
--help-long and --help-man).
--version Show application version.
-s, --server=NATS_URL NATS server urls
--user=NATS_USER Username or Token
--password=NATS_PASSWORD Password
--creds=NATS_CREDS User credentials
--nkey=NATS_NKEY User NKEY
--tlscert=NATS_CERT TLS public certificate
--tlskey=NATS_KEY TLS private key
--tlsca=NATS_CA TLS certificate authority chain
--timeout=NATS_TIMEOUT Time to wait on responses from NATS
--js-api-prefix=PREFIX Subject prefix for access to JetStream API
--js-event-prefix=PREFIX Subject prefix for access to JetStream
--js-domain=DOMAIN JetStream domain to access
--inbox-prefix=PREFIX Custom inbox prefix to use for inboxes
--context=CONTEXT Configuration context
--trace Trace API interactions

help [<command>...]
Show help.

account info
Account information

account report connections [<flags>]
Report on connections

backup [<flags>] <output>
JetStream configuration backup utility

bench [<flags>] <subject>
Benchmark utility

cheat [<flags>] [<section>]
Cheatsheets for the nats CLI

These cheatsheets are in a format compatible with the popular
https://github.com/cheat/cheat command.

consumer add [<flags>] [<stream>] [<consumer>]
Creates a new Consumer

consumer copy [<flags>] <stream> <source> <destination>
Creates a new Consumer based on the configuration of another

consumer edit [<flags>] [<stream>] [<consumer>]
Edits the configuration of a consumer

consumer info [<flags>] [<stream>] [<consumer>]
Consumer information

consumer ls [<flags>] [<stream>]
List known Consumers

consumer next [<flags>] <stream> <consumer>
Retrieves messages from Pull Consumers without interactive prompts

consumer rm [<flags>] [<stream>] [<consumer>]
Removes a Consumer

consumer sub [<flags>] [<stream>] [<consumer>]
Retrieves messages from Consumers

consumer cluster step-down [<stream>] [<consumer>]
Force a new leader election by standing down the current leader

consumer report [<flags>] [<stream>]
Reports on Consmer statistics

context save [<flags>] <name>
Update or create a context

context edit <name>
Edit a context in your EDITOR

context ls
List known contexts

context rm [<flags>] <name>
Remove a context

context select [<name>]
Select the default context

context info [<flags>] [<name>]
Display information on the current or named context

context validate [<flags>] [<name>]
Validate one or all contexts

errors ls [<flags>] [<match>] [<sort>]
List all known error codes

errors lookup <code>
Looks up an error by it's code

errors edit <file> [<code>]
Edit or add a error code using your EDITOR

errors validate [<file>]
Validates the validity of the errors definition

events [<flags>]
Show Advisories and Events

governor add [<flags>] <name> <limit> <age>
Adds a new Governor to JetStream

governor view <name>
Views the status of the Governor

governor reset [<flags>] <name>
Resets the Governor by removing all entries

governor evict [<flags>] <name> [<id>]
Removes a entry from the Governor

governor rm [<flags>] <name>
Removes a Governor

governor run [<flags>] <name> <identity> <command>
Runs a command limited by the Governor

kv add [<flags>] <bucket>
Adds a new KV Store Bucket

kv put <bucket> <key> [<value>]
Puts a value into a key

kv get [<flags>] <bucket> <key>
Gets a value for a key

kv create <bucket> <key> [<value>]
Puts a value into a key only if the key is new or it's last operation was a

kv update <bucket> <key> [<value>] [<revision>]
Updates a key with a new value if the previous value matches the given

kv del [<flags>] <bucket> [<key>]
Deletes a key or the entire bucket

kv purge [<flags>] <bucket> <key>
Deletes a key from the bucket, clearing history before creating a delete

kv history <bucket> <key>
Shows the full history for a key

kv status <bucket>
View the status of a KV store

kv watch <bucket> [<key>]
Watch the bucket or a specific key for updated

kv ls [<flags>]
List available Buckets

kv compact [<flags>] <bucket>
Removes all historic values from the store where the last value is a delete

kv upgrade <bucket>
Upgrades a early tech-preview bucket to current format

latency --server-b=SERVER-B [<flags>]
Perform latency tests between two NATS servers

object add [<flags>] <bucket>
Adds a new Object Store Bucket

object put [<flags>] <bucket> [<file>]
Puts a file into the store

object del [<flags>] <bucket> [<file>]
Deletes a file or bucket from the store

object get [<flags>] <bucket> <file>
Retrieves a file from the store

object info <bucket> [<file>]
Get information about a bucket or object

object ls [<flags>] [<bucket>]
List buckets or contents of a specific bucket

object seal [<flags>] <bucket>
Seals a bucket preventing further updates

object watch <bucket>
Watch a bucket for changes

publish [<flags>] <subject> [<body>]
Generic data publish utility

Body and Header values of the messages may use Go templates to create unique

nats pub test --count 10 "Message {{Count}} @ {{Time}}"

Multiple messages with random strings between 10 and 100 long:

nats pub test --count 10 "Message {{Count}}: {{ Random 10 100 }}"

Available template functions are:

Count the message number
TimeStamp RFC3339 format current time
Unix seconds since 1970 in UTC
UnixNano nano seconds since 1970 in UTC
Time the current time
ID an unique ID
Random(min, max) random string at least min long, at most max

request [<flags>] <subject> [<body>]
Generic request-reply request utility

Body and Header values of the messages may use Go templates to create unique

nats request test --count 10 "Message {{Count}} @ {{Time}}"

Multiple messages with random strings between 10 and 100 long:

nats request test --count 10 "Message {{Count}}: {{ Random 10 100 }}"

Available template functions are:

Count the message number
TimeStamp RFC3339 format current time
Unix seconds since 1970 in UTC
UnixNano nano seconds since 1970 in UTC
Time the current time
ID an unique ID
Random(min, max) random string at least min long, at most max

reply [<flags>] <subject> [<body>]
Generic service reply utility

The "command" supports extracting some information from the subject the
request came in on.

When the subject being listened on is "weather.>" a request on
"weather.london" can extract the "london" part and use it in the command

nats reply 'weather.>' --command "curl -s wttr.in/{{1}}?format=3"

This will request the weather for london when invoked as:

nats request weather.london ''

The body and Header values of the messages may use Go templates to create
unique messages.

nats reply test "Message {{Count}} @ {{Time}}"

Multiple messages with random strings between 10 and 100 long:

nats pub test --count 10 "Message {{Count}}: {{ Random 10 100 }}"

Available template functions are:

Count the message number
TimeStamp RFC3339 format current time
Unix seconds since 1970 in UTC
UnixNano nano seconds since 1970 in UTC
Time the current time
ID an unique ID
Random(min, max) random string at least min long, at most max

restore [<flags>] [<directory>]
Restores a backup of JetStream configuration

rtt [<flags>] [<iterations>]
Compute round-trip time to NATS server

schema search [<flags>] [<pattern>]
Search schemas using a pattern

schema info [<flags>] <schema>
Display schema contents

schema validate [<flags>] <schema> <file>
Validates a JSON file against a schema

server info [<server>]
Show information about a single server

server ls [<flags>] [<expect>]
List known servers

server ping [<flags>] [<expect>]
Ping all servers

server report connections [<flags>] [<limit>]
Report on connections

server report accounts [<flags>] [<account>] [<limit>]
Report on account activity

server report jetstream [<flags>] [<limit>]
Report on JetStream activity

server request subscriptions [<flags>] [<wait>]
Show subscription information

server request variables [<wait>]
Show runtime variables

server request connections [<flags>] [<wait>]
Show connection details

server request routes [<flags>] [<wait>]
Show route details

server request gateways [<flags>] [<wait>] [<filter-name>]
Show gateway details

server request leafnodes [<flags>] [<wait>]
Show leafnode details

server request accounts [<flags>] [<wait>]
Show account details

server request jetstream [<flags>] [<wait>]
Show JetStream details

server raft step-down [<flags>]
Force a new leader election by standing down the current meta leader

server raft peer-remove [<flags>] [<name>]
Removes a server from a JetStream cluster

server passwd [<flags>]
Creates encrypted passwords for use in NATS Server

server check connection* [<flags>]
Checks basic server connection

server check stream --stream=STREAM --peer-expect=SERVERS [<flags>]
Checks the health of mirrored streams, streams with sources or clustered

server check meta --expect=SERVERS --lag-critical=OPS --seen-critical=DURATION
Check JetStream cluster state

server check jetstream [<flags>]
Check JetStream account state

server check server --name=NAME [<flags>]
Checks a NATS Server health

stream add [<flags>] [<stream>]
Create a new Stream

stream edit [<flags>] [<stream>]
Edits an existing stream

stream info [<flags>] [<stream>]
Stream information

stream ls [<flags>]
List all known Streams

stream find [<flags>]
Finds streams matching certain criteria

stream rm [<flags>] [<stream>]
Removes a Stream

stream purge [<flags>] [<stream>]
Purge a Stream without deleting it

stream copy [<flags>] <source> <destination>
Creates a new Stream based on the configuration of another

stream get [<flags>] [<stream>] [<id>]
Retrieves a specific message from a Stream

stream rmm [<flags>] [<stream>] [<id>]
Securely removes an individual message from a Stream

stream view [<flags>] [<stream>] [<size>]
View messages in a stream

stream report [<flags>]
Reports on Stream statistics

stream backup [<flags>] <stream> <target>
Creates a backup of a Stream over the NATS network

stream restore [<flags>] <file>
Restore a Stream over the NATS network

stream seal [<flags>] <stream>
Seals a stream preventing further updates

stream cluster step-down [<stream>]
Force a new leader election by standing down the current leader

stream cluster peer-remove [<stream>] [<peer>]
Removes a peer from the Stream cluster

stream template create [<flags>] [<stream>]
Creates a new Stream Template

stream template info [<flags>] [<template>]
Stream Template information

stream template ls [<flags>]
List all known Stream Templates

stream template rm [<flags>] [<template>]
Removes a Stream Template

subscribe [<flags>] [<subject>]
Generic subscription client