

  • Free
    • 100 部署/天
    • Serverless Functions 12/部署
    • Serverless Functions 10s 执行时间
      • 没有后台执行概念
      • Pro 60s Enterprise 900s
    • 3 Git Repository/Vercel Project
    • 内存 1024 MB
    • 50 自定义域名
    • 100 GB 带宽每月
  • Serverless Function
    • 单个 < 50MB
    • 解压后 < 250MB
    • 消息体 5MB
    • 并发 1000
  • EdgeFunction
# 全局安装
npm i vercel -g
# 或直接执行
yarn dlx vercel
npx vercel

# 登陆
yarn dlx vercel login

# 部署
# .vercel 目录会记录项目信息 - 默认会加到 .gitignore
yarn dlx vercel


"version": 2,
"name": "my-app",
"alias": ["my-domain.com", "my-alias"],
"scope": "my-team",
"env": {
"MY_KEY": "this is the value",
"SECRET": "@my-secret-name"

"build": {
"env": {
"MY_KEY": "this is the value",
"SECRET": "@my-secret-name"

"builds": [
{ "src": "*.html", "use": "@vercel/static" },
{ "src": "*.py", "use": "@vercel/python" },
{ "src": "*.js", "use": "@vercel/node" }

"functions": {
"api/test.js": {
"memory": 3008,
"maxDuration": 60
"api/test.php": {
"runtime": "[email protected]"

// 最多 256
"routes": [
{ "src": "/custom-page", "headers": { "cache-control": "s-maxage=1000" }, "dest": "/index.html" },
{ "src": "/api", "dest": "/my-api.js" },
{ "src": "/users", "methods": ["POST"], "dest": "/users-api.js" },
{ "src": "/users/(?<id>[^/]*)", "dest": "/users-api.js?id=$id" },
{ "src": "/.*", "dest": "https://my-old-site.com" },
{ "src": "/legacy", "status": 404 },
{ "src": "/redirect", "status": 308, "headers": { "Location": "https://example.com/" } }

"regions": ["sfo1", "bru"],

// source view & logs view
"public": true,

// /about.html -> /about
// /api/user.go -> /api/user
"cleanUrls": true,

// /about/ <-> /about
"trailingSlash": false,

"redirects": [
{ "source": "/me", "destination": "/profile.html" },
// permanent = 308/307
{ "source": "/user", "destination": "/api/user", "permanent": false },
{ "source": "/view-source", "destination": "https://github.com/vercel/vercel" }

// 最多 1024 个记录
// src,dst 最长 4096
"rewrites": [
{ "source": "/about", "destination": "/about-our-company.html" },
{ "source": "/resize/:width/:height", "destination": "/api/sharp" },
{ "source": "/user/:id", "destination": "/api/user" },
{ "source": "/proxy/:match*", "destination": "https://example.com/:match*" }

// HTTP Header 控制
"headers": [
"source": "/service-worker.js",
"headers": [
"key": "Cache-Control",
"value": "public, max-age=0, must-revalidate"
"source": "/api/feed",
"headers": [
"key": "Content-Type",
"value": "application/rss+xml"
"key": "Cache-Control",
"value": "public, max-age=3600"
"source": "/(.*)",
"headers": [
"key": "X-Content-Type-Options",
"value": "nosniff"
"key": "X-Frame-Options",
"value": "DENY"
"key": "X-XSS-Protection",
"value": "1; mode=block"

"github": {
"enabled": false,
"autoAlias": false,
"silent": true,
"autoJobCancelation": false
// 捕获所有路由
{ "src": "/blog/([^/]+)", "dest": "/blog?post=$1" }
// 等同于
{"rewrites": [{ "source": "/blog/:post", "destination": "/blog" }]}

{ "src": "/blog/(.*)", "dest": "/blog?post=$1" }
{"rewrites": [{ "source": "/blog/:post*", "destination": "/blog" }]}



Turbo Next.JS

| Field | | --------------- | ---------------------------------------------------- | | Build Command | cd ../.. && npx turbo run build --filter=@wener/demo | | Install Command | npm install --prefix=../.. | | Root Directory | apps/demo |