


# 查看所有的会话
screen -ls
# 退出
screen -X -S ${SESSION} quit
# 连上 screen 会话
screen -r ${SESSION}


  • 默认 Meta 为 ESC
| Minicom Command Summary |
| |
| Commands can be called by Meta-<key> |
| |
| Main Functions Other Functions |
| |
| Dialing directory..D run script (Go)....G | Clear Screen.......C |
| Send files.........S Receive files......R | cOnfigure Minicom..O |
| comm Parameters....P Add linefeed.......A | Suspend minicom....J |
| Capture on/off.....L Hangup.............H | eXit and reset.....X |
| send break.........F initialize Modem...M | Quit with no reset.Q |
| Terminal settings..T run Kermit.........K | Cursor key mode....I |
| lineWrap on/off....W local Echo on/off..E | Help screen........Z |
| Paste file.........Y Timestamp toggle...N | scroll Back........B |
| Add Carriage Ret...U |
| |
| Select function or press Enter for none. |