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尽量不要用 BTRFS & LVM

  • ext4 没什么不好
  • btrfs 优于 lvm, raid
  • btrfs raid5 raid6 还不够成熟稳定 - 可能会损坏数据
  • 做 nas 优先选择 zfs
apk add btrfs-progs btrfs-progs-extra
modprobe btrfs

btrfs device scan --all-devices

btrfs filesystem show
btrfs fi show

btrfs scrub status $DEV

btrfs scrub start $DEV
btrfs scrub status $DEV


usage: btrfs [--help] [--version] <group> [<group>...] <command> [<args>]

btrfs subvolume create [-i <qgroupid>] [<dest>/]<name>
Create a subvolume
btrfs subvolume delete [options] <subvolume> [<subvolume>...]
Delete subvolume(s)
btrfs subvolume list [options] [-G [+|-]value] [-C [+|-]value] [--sort=gen,ogen,rootid,path] <path>
List subvolumes (and snapshots)
btrfs subvolume snapshot [-r] [-i <qgroupid>] [-u <subvolume id>|<subvolume path>] <source> <dest>|[<dest>/]<name>
Create a snapshot of the subvolume
btrfs subvolume get-default <path>
Get the default subvolume of a filesystem
btrfs subvolume set-default <subvolid> <path>
Set the default subvolume of a filesystem
btrfs subvolume find-new <path> <lastgen>
List the recently modified files in a filesystem
btrfs subvolume show <subvol-path>
Show more information of the subvolume
btrfs subvolume sync <path> [<subvol-id>...]
Wait until given subvolume(s) are completely removed from the filesystem.
btrfs subvolume size [-v] [-p] [-m] [-r <volume_path>] <subvolume|subvol_id> [<subvolume|subvol_id>...]
Query the actual disk usage exclusively owned by selected snapshots.

btrfs filesystem df [options] <path>
Show space usage information for a mount point
btrfs filesystem du [options] <path> [<path>..]
Summarize disk usage of each file.
btrfs filesystem show [options] [<path>|<uuid>|<device>|label]
Show the structure of a filesystem
btrfs filesystem sync <path>
Force a sync on a filesystem
btrfs filesystem defragment [options] <file>|<dir> [<file>|<dir>...]
Defragment a file or a directory
btrfs filesystem resize [devid:][+[?]/-]<newsize>[kKmMgGtTpPeE]|[devid:]max <path>
Resize a filesystem
btrfs filesystem label [<device>|<mount_point>] [<newlabel>]
Get or change the label of a filesystem
btrfs filesystem usage [options] <path> [<path>..]
Show detailed information about internal filesystem usage .
btrfs filesystem corrupted <mount_point>
Pop the path of a cksumfailed file on this volume
btrfs filesystem reclaim-space [options] <file>|<dir> [<file>|<dir>...]
reclaim space from a file or a directory

btrfs balance start [options] <path>
Balance chunks across the devices
btrfs balance pause <path>
Pause running balance
btrfs balance cancel <path>
Cancel running or paused balance
btrfs balance resume <path>
Resume interrupted balance
btrfs balance status [-v] <path>
Show status of running or paused balance

btrfs device add [options] <device> [<device>...] <path>
Add a device to a filesystem
btrfs device delete <device>|<devid> [<device>|<devid>...] <path> btrfs device remove <device>|<devid> [<device>|<devid>...] <path>
Remove a device from a filesystem
btrfs device scan [(-d|--all-devices)|<device> [<device>...]]
Scan devices for a btrfs filesystem
btrfs device ready <device>
Check device to see if it has all of its devices in cache for mounting
btrfs device stats [-z] <path>|<device>
Show current device IO stats.
btrfs device usage [options] <path> [<path>..]
Show detailed information about internal allocations in devices.

btrfs scrub start [-BdqrRf] [-c ioprio_class -n ioprio_classdata] <path>|<device>
Start a new scrub. If a scrub is already running, the new one fails.
btrfs scrub cancel <path>|<device>
Cancel a running scrub
btrfs scrub resume [-BdqrR] [-c ioprio_class -n ioprio_classdata] <path>|<device>
Resume previously canceled or interrupted scrub
btrfs scrub status [-dR] <path>|<device>
Show status of running or finished scrub

btrfs check [options] <device>
Check structural inegrity of a filesystem (unmounted).

btrfs rescue chunk-recover [options] <device>
Recover the chunk tree by scanning the devices one by one.
btrfs rescue super-recover [options] <device>
Recover bad superblocks from good copies
btrfs rescue zero-log <device>
Clear the tree log. Usable if it's corrupted and prevents mount.

btrfs restore [options] <device> <path> | -l <device>
Try to restore files from a damaged filesystem (unmounted)

btrfs inspect-internal inode-resolve [-v] <inode> <path>
Get file system paths for the given inode
btrfs inspect-internal logical-resolve [-Pv] [-s bufsize] <logical> <path>
Get file system paths for the given logical address
btrfs inspect-internal subvolid-resolve <subvolid> <path>
Get file system paths for the given subvolume ID.
btrfs inspect-internal rootid <path>
Get tree ID of the containing subvolume of path.
btrfs inspect-internal min-dev-size [options] <path>
Get the minimum size the device can be shrunk to. The
btrfs inspect-internal dump-tree [options] device
Dump tree structures from a given device
btrfs inspect-internal dump-super [options] device [device...]
Dump superblock from a device in a textual form
btrfs inspect-internal tree-stats [options] <device>
Print various stats for trees
btrfs inspect-internal tree-info <[-t <tree_id> <mnt_point>]|[subvolume_path]>
Get tree information about given tree id or subvolume path.
btrfs inspect-internal punch-info [-o <offset>] -l <len> <file_path>
Syno punch check with offset & len.
btrfs inspect-internal chunk-info [-m] <volume_path>
Get chunk information about given volume path.

btrfs property get [-t <type>] <object> [<name>]
Gets a property from a btrfs object.
btrfs property set [-t <type>] <object> <name> <value>
Sets a property on a btrfs object.
btrfs property list [-t <type>] <object>
Lists available properties with their descriptions for the given object.

btrfs send [-ve] [-p <parent>] [-c <clone-src>] [-f <outfile>] <subvol> [<subvol>...]
Send the subvolume(s) to stdout.
btrfs receive [-ve] [-f <infile>] [--max-errors <N>] <mount>
Receive subvolumes from stdin.

btrfs quota enable <path>
Enable subvolume quota support for a filesystem.
btrfs quota enable-v1 <path>
For 4.4 and 3.10 kernel, it enables syno v1 quota.
btrfs quota enable-v2 <path>
For 4.4 and 5.10 kernel, it enables syno v2 quota.
btrfs quota disable <path>
Disable subvolume quota support for a filesystem.
btrfs quota unload <path>
Unload qgroup from memory but do not erase on-disk quota btree.
btrfs quota remove-v1 <path>
Remove on-disk v1 quota btree.
btrfs quota rescan [-sw] <path>
Trash all qgroup numbers and scan the metadata again with the current config.
btrfs quota syno-status <path>
Show quota status of specified volume and subvolume.
btrfs quota syno-rescan [-prR] <path>
Do qouta 2.0 rescan on specified subvolume.

btrfs qgroup assign [options] <src> <dst> <path>
Assign SRC as the child qgroup of DST
btrfs qgroup remove <src> <dst> <path>
Remove a child qgroup SRC from DST.
btrfs qgroup create <qgroupid> <path>
Create a subvolume quota group.
btrfs qgroup destroy <qgroupid> <path>
Destroy a quota group.
btrfs qgroup show -pcreFf [--sort=qgroupid,rfer,excl,max_rfer,max_excl] <path>
Show subvolume quota groups.
btrfs qgroup limit [options] <size>|none [<qgroupid>] <path>
Set the limits a subvolume quota group.

btrfs replace start [-Bfr] <srcdev>|<devid> <targetdev> <mount_point>
Replace device of a btrfs filesystem.
btrfs replace status [-1] <mount_point>
Print status and progress information of a running device replace
btrfs replace cancel <mount_point>
Cancel a running device replace operation.

btrfs usrquota enable <path>
Enable subvolume usrquota support for a filesystem.
btrfs usrquota enable-v1 <path>
For 4.4 and 3.10 kernel, it enables syno v1 usrquota.
btrfs usrquota enable-v1 <path>
For 4.4 and 5.10 kernel, it enables syno v2 usrquota.
btrfs usrquota disable <path>
Disable subvolume usrquota support for a filesystem.
btrfs usrquota unload <path>
Unload user quota from memory but do not erase on-disk user quota btree.
btrfs usrquota remove-v1 <path>
Remove on-disk v1 user quota btree.
btrfs usrquota show [-an] [-u <uid>|-U <user name>] <path>
Show subvolume usrquota.
btrfs usrquota limit -u <uid>|-U <user name> <size>|none <path>
Set usr quota limit on a subvolume.
btrfs usrquota rescan [-sw] <path>
Trash all usrquota info items

btrfs syno-usage enable <volume_path>
Enable syno usage given volume path.
btrfs syno-usage disable <volume_path>
Disable syno usage given volume path.
btrfs syno-usage status <volume_path>
Get syno usage status given volume path.
btrfs syno-usage rescan <volume_path>
Rescan syno usage given volume path.
btrfs syno-usage rescan-pause <volume_path>
Rescan syno usage given volume path.
btrfs syno-usage subvol-type-set <type> <subvol_path>
Set syno usage type [2,255] given subvol path.
btrfs syno-usage subvol-type-get <subvol_path>
Get syno usage type given subvol path.
btrfs syno-usage show <volume_path>
Show usage for all type.

btrfs syno-cache-protection enable <volume_path>
Enable syno cache protection given volume path.
btrfs syno-cache-protection disable <volume_path>
Disable syno cache protection given volume path.
btrfs syno-cache-protection replay [-v] <volume_path>
Replay syno cache protection given volume path.
btrfs syno-cache-protection clear <volume_path>
Clear syno cache protection passive instance given volume path
btrfs syno-cache-protection status <volume_path>
Show syno cache protection status given volume path

btrfs syno-xattr get -k <xattr key name> [-r <root_tree> -i <inode>] [-v] <device>
manage xattr from raw device

btrfs syno-feat-tree enable <volume_path>
Enable syno feature tree for the given volume path.
btrfs syno-feat-tree disable <volume_path>
Disable syno feature tree for the given volume path.
btrfs syno-feat-tree status <volume_path>
Get status of syno feature tree for the given volume path.

btrfs help [--full]
Display help information
btrfs version
Display btrfs-progs version

BTRFS critical (device dm-2): corrupt leaf
