- 实现
- 新的 GC
- math.random 新实现
- 告警系统
- utf8 codepoint 支持到 2^31
- allocation function allowed to fail when shrinking a memory block
- debug information about function arguments and returns
- 语言
- const 变量
- userdata can have multiple user values
- 新的 for 数字循环语法
- to-be-closed variables
- 库
- string.gmatch 参数 init 可选
- string.format 新增
- string-to-number coercions moved to the string library
- 新增函数 lua_resetthread coroutine.close
- 参考
- 实现
- 整数默认 64 位
- official support for 32-bit numbers
- bitwise operators
- 基础 utf-8 支持
- functions for packing and unpacking values
- 语言
- userdata can have any Lua value as uservalue
- floor division
- more flexible rules for some metamethods
- Libraries
- ipairs and the table library respect metamethods
- strip option in string.dump
- table library respects metamethods
- 新方法
- table.move
- string.pack
- string.unpack
- string.packsize
- simpler API for continuation functions in C
- lua_gettable and similar functions return type of resulted value
- strip option in lua_dump
- 新方法
- lua_geti
- lua_seti
- lua_isyieldable
- lua_numbertointeger
- lua_rotate
- lua_stringtonumber
- Lua standalone interpreter
- 可用于计算器 - 不再需要添加
- arg table available to all code
- 参考