

  • DMARDS / Disease-modifying antirheumatic drug
  • Disease-modifying Antirheumatic Drugs
  • 分类
    • 合成药物 / synthetic / sDMARD
      • conventional synthetic / csDMARD / 常规合成
        • methotrexate, sulfasalazine, leflunomide, hydroxychloroquine, gold salts
      • targeted synthetic / tsDMARD / 定向合成
        • 针对分子结构合成
    • 生物药物 / biological / bDMARD
      • original / boDMARD
      • biosmiliar / bsDMARD
        • 与 original 有相同的结构,但比 original 安全
abatacept阿巴西普T-cell costimulatory signal inhibitorbDMARD
adalimumab阿达木单抗TNF inhibitorbDMARD
anakinra阿纳金拉IL-1 receptor antagonistbDMARD
azathioprine硫唑嘌呤Purine synthesis inhibitorunknown
chloroquine (anti-malarial)氯喹(抗疟疾)Suppression of IL-1, induce apoptosis of inflammatory cells and decrease chemotaxisunknown
ciclosporin (Cyclosporin A)环孢菌素(环孢菌素 A)calcineurin inhibitorunknown
D-penicillamine (seldom used today)D-青霉胺(很少使用)Reducing numbers of T-lymphocytes etc.unknown
etanercept依那西普decoy TNF receptorbDMARD
golimumab戈利木单抗TNF inhibitorbDMARD
gold salts (sodium aurothiomalate, auranofin) (seldom used today)金盐(金硫代苹果酸钠,金诺芬)(很少使用)unknowncsDMARD
hydroxychloroquine (anti-malarial)羟氯喹(抗疟疾)TNF-alpha, induce apoptosis of inflammatory cells and decrease chemotaxiscsDMARD
infliximab英夫利昔单抗TNF inhibitorbDMARD
leflunomide来氟米特Pyrimidine synthesis inhibitorcsDMARD
methotrexate (MTX)甲氨蝶呤(MTX)Purine metabolism inhibitorcsDMARD
minocycline米诺环素5-LO inhibitorunknown
rituximab利妥昔单抗chimeric monoclonal antibody against CD20 on B-cell surfacebDMARD
sulfasalazine (SSZ)柳氮磺吡啶Suppression of IL-1 & TNF-alpha, induce apoptosis of inflammatory cells and increase chemotactic factorscsDMARD
tocilizumab托珠单抗IL-6 receptor antagonistbDMARD
tofacitinib托法替尼kinase inhibitortsDMARD