OLAP Database Awesome
- clickhouse
- kylin
- trinodb/trino
- greenplum
- apache/pinot
- prestodb/presto distributed SQL query engine
BI and Analytics
- BEE - http://bee.insightstrategy.cz/en/index.html
- BIRT - http://www.eclipse.org/birt
- JasperSoft – http://www.jaspersoft.com
- MarvelIT - http://www.marvelit.com/dash.html
- OpenI – http://openi.sourceforge.net
- OpenReports – http://oreports.com
- Orange - http://www.ailab.si/orange
- Palo – http://www.palo.net
- Pentaho - http://www.pentaho.com
- R - http://www.r-project.org
- SpagoBI – http://spagobi.eng.it
- Weka - http://www.cs.waikato.ac.nz/~ml/index.html
- VitalSigns - http://vitalsigns.sourceforge.net/
- Apatar - http://www.apatar.com
- CloverETL - http://cloveretl.berlios.de/
- JitterBit - http://www.jitterbit.com/
- KETL - http://www.ketl.org
- Octopus - http://www.enhydra.org/tech/octopus/index.html
- OSDQ - http://sourceforge.net/projects/dataquality
- Pentaho - http://www.pentaho.com
- Red Hat – http://www.redhat.com
- Saga.M31 Galaxy - http://galaxy.sagadc.com
- Talend - http://www.talend.com
- SnapLogic – http://www.snaplogic.com
- https://stackoverflow.com/a/3350180/1870054
- Building a Data Warehouse
- Understand the Data Sources
- Compare the Data
- Modify the Data Warehouse Model
- Test Performance
- Rinse and Repeat