- Battle.net
# 排查 安装 失败问题
ls /Users/Shared/Battle.net/Setup/bna_2
# locale=zhCN region=TW
open -a ~/Downloads/Battle.net-Setup.app --args --locale=enUS --region=US --session=
open -a ~/Downloads/Battle.net-Setup.app --args --locale=zhCN --region=TW --session=
# 排查 登录 问题
# Battle.net.config
ls ~/Library/Application\ Support/Battle.net
# 判断所在区域
# -> https://tw.battle.net/login/
curl https://battle.net/login/ -sfI | grep Location
- http://us.patch.battle.net:1119
- http://tw.patch.battle.net:1119
- http://www.iana.org/assignments/port-numbers
- 1119
- bnetgame Battle.net Chat/Game Protocol
- 1120
- bnetfile Battle.net File Transfer Protocol
- 3724
- blizwow World of Warcraft
- ~/Library/Application Support/Battle.net/Battle.net.config
"Client": {
"Language": "zhCN",
"LoginSettings": {
"AllowedRegions": "CN;US;EU;KR;TW",
"AllowedLocales": "zhCN;deDE;enGB;enUS;esMX;esES;frFR;itIT;plPL;ptBR;ruRU;koKR;zhTW"
"Path": "/Applications/Battle.net.app/Contents",
"Services": {
"LastLoginRegion": "TW",
"LastLoginAddress": "tw.actual.battle.net",
"LastLoginTassadar": "account.battle.net"
服务 | TCP 端口 | UDP 端口 |
Blizzard Battle.net desktop app | 80, 443, 1119 | 80, 443, 1119 |
Blizzard Voice Chat | 80, 443, 1119 | 3478-3479, 5060, 5062, 6250, 12000-64000 |
Blizzard Downloader | 1119, 1120, 3724, 4000, 6112, 6113, 6114 | 1119, 1120, 3724, 4000, 6112, 6113, 6114 |
Diablo | 6112-6119 | 6112-6119 |
Diablo II | 6112, 4000 | None |
Diablo III | 80, 1119 | 1119, 6120 |
Hearthstone | 1119, 3724 | 1119, 3724 |
Heroes of the Storm | 80, 443, 1119-1120, 3724, 6113 | 80, 1119-1120, 3478-3479, 3724, 5060, 5062, 6113, 6250, 12000-64000 |
Overwatch | 1119, 3724, 6113, 80 | 3478-3479, 5060, 5062, 6250, 12000-64000 |
StarCraft | 6112 | 6112 |
StarCraft II | 1119, 6113, 1120, 80, 3724 | 1119, 6113, 1120, 80, 3724 |
Warcraft II Battle.net Edition | 6112-6119 | 6112-6119 |
Warcraft III | 6112 (Default), 6113-6119 | None |
World of Warcraft | 3724, 1119, 6012 | 3724, 1119, 6012 |
Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 | PC: 3074, 27014-27050 PlayStation 4: 80, 443, 1935, 3478-3480 XBox One: 53, 80, 3074 | PC: 3478, 4379-4380, 27000-27031, 27036 PlayStation 4: 3478-3479 XBox One: 53, 88, 500, 3074, 3075, 3544, 4500 |
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare | PC: 3074, 27014-27050 PlayStation 4: 80, 443, 1935, 3478-3480 XBox One: 53, 80, 3074 | PC: 3074, 3478, 4379-4380, 27000-27031, 27036 PlayStation 4: 3074, 3478-3479 XBox One: 53, 88, 500, 3074, 3075, 3544, 4500 |