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1 US tablespoon	= 4 fluid drams
= 3 teaspoons
= 1⁄2 US fluid ounce
= 1⁄3 US shot
= 1⁄8 US gill
= 1⁄16 US cup
= 14.8 ml

1 Australian tablespoon = 20 ml
≈ 2⁄3 fl. oz.
= 2 dessertspoons
= 4 teaspoons

1 TBSP = 15 g
1 TSP = 5 g
1/2 TSP = 2.5g
1/2 CUP = 8 TBSP = 24 TSP = 120 g
1/4 CUP = 60 g


植脂末是一种食品原料,常用作非乳制奶精或脂肪替代品,广泛应用于各种食品中。 它是由植物油制成的,经常用于在不使用乳制品的情况下为食物和饮料增加奶油般的口感。

  • 好处
    • 乳糖不耐受者的选择
    • 保存稳定 - 比鲜奶保存更长、更好允许
    • 口感一致
    • 成本更低
  • 坏处
    • 营养价值低
    • 健康风险 - 一些植脂末可能含有反式脂肪和高水平的饱和脂肪
    • 可能包含其他过敏源 - 例如 大豆
    • 高度加工食品 - 可能含有添加剂和防腐剂




Tablespoon 汤勺


Teaspoon 茶勺


酒石酸氢钾 食品工业称作塔塔粉,用作添加剂、膨松剂,也用作还原剂和缓冲试剂



But if you don’t have it in your pantry and your recipe calls for it, just substitute fresh lemon juice or white vinegar for the cream of tartar. For every 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in the recipe, use 1 teaspoon lemon juice or white vinegar. As an example, if your cookie recipe calls for 1 teaspoon baking soda, add 2 teaspoons lemon juice instead of the cream of tartar. If your simple syrup recipe asks for 1/8 teaspoon cream of tartar, use 3-4 drops of lemon juice. And for the whipping egg whites? Add 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice per egg white.

The results will be so close, you probably won’t notice the substitution.

1/2 TSP of baking soda -> 1 TSP lemon juice or white vinegar 1/8 teaspoon cream of tartar -> 3-4 drops of lemon juice

For beating egg whites 打蛋清 - Use an equal amount of white vinegar or lemon juice, or omit the cream of tartar from the recipe entirely

As a leavening agent 发酵 - Replace the baking soda and the cream of tartar called for in the recipe with baking powder.


  • 稳定蛋清,提高蛋清的耐热性和体积;
  • 防止糖浆结晶;
  • 减少蔬菜在煮熟过程中的变色;
  • 常与小苏打(需酸性物质激活)混合,用于制作泡打粉的配方;
  • 常用于用氯化钾作为无钠盐替代品的组合中;
  • 姜饼屋糖衣。