OCR Awesome
- All in One OCR/OCR Toolkit
- PaddleOCR
- Paddle
- by 百度
- https://paddlejs.baidu.com/ocr
- PaddlePaddle/PaddleOCR
- PaddlePaddle/Paddle.js
- 很久没维护了
- hiroi-sora/PaddleOCR-json
- 离线,Windows,命令行输出 JSON 结果
- Evezerest/PPOCRLabel
- 半自动化图形标注工具
- PP-OCRv4
- breezedeus/Pix2Text
- 国内开发者维护
- 简体中文&英文 使用的 CnOCR, 其他使用的 EasyOCR
- p2t 命令行 https://pix2text.readthedocs.io/zh-cn/stable/command/
- macOS 桌面工具 breezedeus/Pix2Text-Mac
- RapidAI/RapidOCR
- Apache-2.0, Python
- based on ONNXRuntime, OpenVION, PaddlePaddle
- PaddleOCR -> ONNXRuntime
- OCR, Layout, Table, Form, Receipt, Invoice
- VikParuchuri/surya
- GPLv3, Python
- 支持 Detection, OCR, Layout, Reading Order, Table Recognition
- PaddleOCR
- 基础 OCR/通用 OCR
- EasyOCR
- tesseract
- naptha/tesseract.js
- Apache-2.0, JS
- naptha/tesseract.js
- breezedeus/cnocr
- Apache-2.0
- 基于 RapidOCR 集成 PPOCRv4 最新版 OCR 模型
- jingsongliujing/OnnxOCR
- 基于PaddleOCR重构,并且脱离PaddlePaddle深度学习训练框架的轻量级OCR
- 表格/Table/Layout/文档
- RapidAI/TableStructureRec
- 表格识别算法的集合库
- wired_table_rec 有线表格识别算法
- lineless_table_rec 无线表格识别算法
- RapidAI/RapidTable
- Apache-2.0, Python, ONNX
- 源自 PP-Structure 的表格识别算法,模型转换为ONNX,推理引擎采用ONNXRuntime
- opendatalab/DocLayout-YOLO
- AGPLv3, Python, YOLOv10
- https://huggingface.co/spaces/opendatalab/DocLayout-YOLO
- AlibabaResearch/AdvancedLiterateMachinery
- Apache-2.0, Python, C++
- by 阿里巴巴
- RapidAI/TableStructureRec
- Formula
- OleehyO/TexTeller
- 使用 PaddleOCR, ONNX
- image to latex formulas
- OleehyO/TexTeller
- getomni-ai/zerox
- PDF to Markdown
- 使用 OpenAI, Anthropic, AWS Bedrock
- katanaml/sparrow
- GPLv3, Python
- Data processing with ML, LLM and Vision LLM
- mindee/doctr
- Apache-2.0, Python, TensorFlow 2, PyTorch
- Walleclipse/ChineseAddress_OCR
- ooooverflow/chinese-ocr
- macOS OCR Live Text
- 直接 Preview 在图片上识别文字
- dynobo/normcap
- OCR powered screen-capture tool
- faustomorales/keras-ocr
- TDiblik/main-gate-alpr
- license plates
- https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=37384327
- https://github.com/kba/awesome-ocr
- deepdoctection/deepdoctection
- Apache-2.0, Python
- 用到了很多东西,可以作为参考
- LayoutLM
- DiT - Document Image Text
- microsoft/unilm
- MIT, Python
- Large-scale Self-supervised Pre-training Across Tasks, Languages, and Modalities
- Unified Language Model Pre-training
- 商业