

  • IAX - Inter-Asterisk-eXchange
    • 单 TCP 支持多线路
    • 早期用于客服 NAT 问题
    • 2015 年 后相关开发较少
    • 默认端口 4569/udp
    • AES-128
    • rfc5456 IAX: Inter-Asterisk eXchange Version 2
  • Why IAX2?
    • NAT
    • High performance, low overhead protocol
      • 4 bytes overhead
    • Internationalization - 传输包含语言信息
    • Remote dialplan polling
    • Flexible authentication
    • Multimedia protocol
    • Call statistic gathering
    • Call parameter communication
    • Single socket design
  • 参考
  • 出局 IAX2/[<user>[:<secret>]@]<peer>[:<port_number>][/<extension>[@<context>][/<option>]]
  • 入局 IAX2/[[<username>@]<host>]/<call_number>
  • 和老设备交互不能直连的时候可以考虑 IAX
  • 容器部署,提供 webrtc,对接上游线路可以考虑 IAX
  • iax 需要双向注册 - 取决于网络情况,可能会有点麻烦
    • A -> B
    • A <- B
  • iax 出现无法注册,需要重启才能注册上的问题
load => chan_iax2
; trunk 需要 timing interface
load => res_timing_timerfd
# 检测 iax2 端口是否开放
nmap -sU --script iax2-version.nse -p 4569


  • type=user
    • 服务端定义 - 接受客户端 - 接受呼叫
  • type=peer
    • 客户端定义 - 注册到对方 - 发起呼叫
    • 如果 host 为 dynamic 则需要 register 注册
  • type=friend
    • 创建 user+peer
    • 如果设置了 host=hostname,domain.ext 则会限定可发起请求的 peer
  • 参考
iax2 reload


; 配置需要在 bindaddr 之前

; 默认监听所有
; 也可以包含端口

; 独立线程处理 IAX2 DPREQ - 一定的性能换取更好的延时
; 默认 block 处理
; iaxcompat=yes

; UDP checksum

; 避免密码爆破 - 延迟 reject

; 全局 iaxtel AMA flag - 生成 cdr 会用到
; default, omit, billing, documentation

; ADSI/Analog Display Services Interface 兼容 CPE 设备

; 呼出时查询 SRV

; 默认 CDR 账号

; 默认语言代码

; This option specifies a preference for which music-on-hold class this channel
; should listen to when put on hold if the music class has not been set on the
; channel with Set(CHANNEL(musicclass)=whatever) in the dialplan, and the peer
; channel putting this one on hold did not suggest a music class.
; If this option is set to "passthrough", then the hold message will always be
; passed through as signalling instead of generating hold music locally.
; This option may be specified globally, or on a per-user or per-peer basis.
; Accepted values: passthrough, or any music-on-hold class name
; Default value: <empty>

; The 'mohsuggest' option specifies which music on hold class to suggest to the
; peer channel when this channel places the peer on hold. It may be specified
; globally or on a per-user or per-peer basis.

; 带宽情况
; low, medium, high

; 编码配置

; Jitter Buffer/抖动缓冲器
; ======================
; You can adjust several parameters relating to the jitter buffer. The jitter
; buffer's function is to compensate for varying network delay.
; All of the jitter buffer settings are in milliseconds. The jitter buffer
; works for INCOMING audio only - the outbound audio will be dejittered by the
; jitter buffer at the other end.
; jitterbuffer=yes|no: global default as to whether you want
; the jitter buffer at all.
; maxjitterbuffer: a maximum size for the jitter buffer.
; Setting a reasonable maximum here will prevent the call delay
; from rising to silly values in extreme situations; you'll hear
; SOMETHING, even though it will be jittery.
; resyncthreshold: when the jitterbuffer notices a significant change in delay
; that continues over a few frames, it will resync, assuming that the change in
; delay was caused by a timestamping mix-up. The threshold for noticing a
; change in delay is measured as twice the measured jitter plus this resync
; threshold.
; Resyncing can be disabled by setting this parameter to -1.
; maxjitterinterps: the maximum number of interpolation frames the jitterbuffer
; should return in a row. Since some clients do not send CNG/DTX frames to
; indicate silence, the jitterbuffer will assume silence has begun after
; returning this many interpolations. This prevents interpolating throughout
; a long silence.
; jittertargetextra: number of milliseconds by which the new jitter buffer
; will pad its size. the default is 40, so without modification, the new
; jitter buffer will set its size to the jitter value plus 40 milliseconds.
; increasing this value may help if your network normally has low jitter,
; but occasionally has spikes.


; IAX2 Encryption
; ===============
; 开启加密

; 强制加密 - 隐含 encryption=yes

; IAX2 trunk 最大 payload - 单位 byte
; 例如 最大800通话, 20ms 每 frame,使用 ulaw
; (8000hz / 1000ms) * 20ms * 1 byte per sample = 160 bytes per frame
; 最大带宽为:
; (160 bytes per frame) * (800 calls) = 128000 bytes
; 超过限制呼叫可能会被忽略
; 默认 128000 - 128k
; trunkmaxsize = 128000

; 流量大的时候由系统处理 udp 分片可能影响通话质量
; 设置 mtu 避免系统处理 udp 分片 - 设置为 0 则由系统处理
; trunkmtu = 1240

; 消息发送频率 - 单位 ms 默认 20ms,接受 10ms - 1000ms
; 如果消息达到了 trunkmtu 也会发送
; trunkfreq=20

; Should we send timestamps for the individual sub-frames within trunk frames?
; There is a small bandwidth use for these (less than 1kbps/call), but they
; ensure that frame timestamps get sent end-to-end properly. If both ends of
; all your trunks go directly to TDM, _and_ your trunkfreq equals the frame
; length for your codecs, you can probably suppress these. The receiver must
; also support this feature, although they do not also need to have it enabled.
; trunktimestamps=yes

; 注册间隔 - 单位 秒
; minregexpire = 60
; maxregexpire = 60

; IAX2 helper threads

; Establishes the number of iax helper threads to handle I/O.
; iaxthreadcount = 10

; Establishes the number of extra dynamic threads that may be spawned to handle I/O
; iaxmaxthreadcount = 100

; 注册到另外一个 IAX2 服务器 - 发现 IP
;register => marko:[email protected]
; 无密码
;register => joe@remotehost:5656
; RSA key 注册
;register => marko:[torkey]@tormenta.linux-support.net
; Sample Registration for iaxtel
; Visit http://www.iaxtel.com to register with iaxtel. Replace "user"
; and "pass" with your username and password for iaxtel. Incoming
; calls arrive at the "s" extension of "default" context.
;register => user:[email protected]
; Sample Registration for IAX2 + FWD
; To register using IAX2 with FWD, it must be enabled by visiting the URL
; http://www.fwdnet.net/index.php?section_id=112
; Note that you need an extension in you default context which matches
; your free world dialup number. Please replace "FWDNumber" with your
; FWD number and "passwd" with your password.
;register => FWDNumber:[email protected]

; 开启 res_stun_monitor 模块后可订阅网络变化,网络变化后重新注册
; 默认开启
; subscribe_network_change_event = yes

; 开启认证调试日志
;authdebug = yes
; See https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/IP+Quality+of+Service for a description of these parameters.

; 设置后会动态创建 NoOp extension
; & 分隔指定多个

; NEW 后 2000ms 未响应 ACK 则 自动 kill - 避免异常导致卡死
; 也可以直接指定 时间 - 单位 ms
; 单个 peer 使用 qualify 控制

; 编码协商逻辑 - 默认 host
; caller - 优先 caller 定义的编码
; host - host 定义的编码
; disabled
; reqonly - 类似 disabled,但如果编码不支持可以请求新的编码
; allowfwdownload controls whether this host will serve out firmware to
; IAX2 clients which request it. This has only been used for the IAXy,
; and it has been recently proven that this firmware distribution method
; can be used as a source of traffic amplification attacks. Also, the
; IAXy firmware has not been updated for at least 18 months, so unless
; you are provisioning IAXys in a secure network, we recommend that you
; leave this option to the default, off.
; IAXy 相关

;rtcachefriends=yes ; Cache realtime friends by adding them to the internal list
; just like friends added from the config file only on a
; as-needed basis? (yes|no)

;rtsavesysname=yes ; Save systemname in realtime database at registration
; Default = no

;rtupdate=yes ; Send registry updates to database using realtime? (yes|no)
; If set to yes, when a IAX2 peer registers successfully,
; the IP address, the origination port, the registration period,
; and the username of the peer will be set to database via realtime.
; If not present, defaults to 'yes'.

;rtautoclear=yes ; Auto-Expire friends created on the fly on the same schedule
; as if it had just registered? (yes|no|<seconds>)
; If set to yes, when the registration expires, the friend will
; vanish from the configuration until requested again.
; If set to an integer, friends expire within this number of
; seconds instead of the registration interval.

;rtignoreregexpire=yes ; When reading a peer from Realtime, if the peer's registration
; has expired based on its registration interval, used the stored
; address information regardless. (yes|no)

;parkinglot=edvina ; Default parkinglot for IAX2 peers and users
; This can also be configured per device
; Parkinglots are defined in features.conf

; The following two options are used to disable call token validation for the
; purposes of interoperability with IAX2 endpoints that do not yet support it.
; Call token validation can be set as optional for a single IP address or IP
; address range by using the 'calltokenoptional' option. 'calltokenoptional' is
; only a global option.

; 设置为 no 则不需要验证 call token - 在定义 peer/user/friend 时使用
; 默认 yes
; 最大 call token 认证握手时间 - 单位 秒

; 每个远程 IP 允许的拨号数量 - 超过不再建立新链接
; 该限制不区分 IP - 计算未验证 call token 的数量
; 默认 8192

; 根据 IP 限定呼叫数量
; 范围内独立 IP 限制而不是 IP 段总数
; = 24
; = 32

; 移除 '(', ' ', ')', non-trailing '.', and '-' not in square brackets
; 例如 555.5555 -> 5555555
; 默认 开启
;shrinkcallerid=yes ; on by default


  • register 映射 peer - 动态 IP 场景
    • 反向注册到对方,而不是对方通过 peer 定义链接
  • 用户认证方式 - username+secret
  • 密钥方式
    • plaintext
    • md5
    • rsa
      • inkeys - 接受的 pubkey - /var/lib/asterisk/keys/<name>.pub
        • : 分割
      • outkey - 发起请求的 key - /var/lib/asterisk/keys/<name>.key
        • 3DES encrypted
  • 访问控制 - permit,deny,acl
; guest 配置未认证连接请求 - 可配置 secret
callerid="Guest IAX User"

; 用户配置
; 可写多行 secret 实现多密码
;setvar=ATTENDED_TRANSFER_COMPLETE_SOUND=beep ; This channel variable will
; cause the given audio file to
; be played upon completion of
; an attended transfer to the
; target of the transfer.
;dbsecret=mysecrets/place ; Secrets can be stored in astdb, too
;transfer=no ; Disable IAX2 native transfer
;transfer=mediaonly ; When doing IAX2 native transfers, transfer only
; the media stream
;jitterbuffer=yes ; Override the global setting and enable the jitter
; buffer for this user
;maxauthreq=10 ; Set the maximum number of outstanding AUTHREQs
; waiting for replies. If this limit is reached,
; any further authentication will be blocked, until
; the pending requests expire or a reply is
; received.
; 覆盖 CallerID
;callerid="Mark Spencer" <(256) 428-6275>
;language=en ; Use english as default language
;encryption=yes ; 开启加密
;keyrotate=off ; 默认开启 - 旧版本不知支持 - IAX_COMMAND_RTENC

; 定义远程节点 peer
; 主机
; iax2 show peers 描述
;description=My IAX2 Peer
;qualify=yes ; Make sure this peer is alive.
;qualifysmoothing = yes ; Use an average of the last two PONG results to
; reduce falsely detected LAGGED hosts. The default
; is 'no.'
;qualifyfreqok = 60000 ; OK 状态 PING 间隔 - 单位 ms
;qualifyfreqnotok = 10000 ; 非 OK(LAGGED/UNAVAILABLE) 状态 PING 间隔 - 单位 ms
;jitterbuffer=no ; Turn off jitter buffer for this peer
;encryption=yes ; 默认不开启
;keyrotate=off ; 默认不开启

; Peers can remotely register as well, so that they can be mobile. Default
; IPs can also optionally be given but are not required. Caller*ID can be
; suggested to the other side as well if it is for example a phone instead of
; another PBX.
; yes - 发送接受 connected line
; send - 只发送
; receive
; no - Asterisk v1.4 peer 需要设置 no
; 不兼容表现为通话异常中断

; Note: app_voicemail mailboxes must be in the form of mailbox@context.
;mailbox=1234 ; Notify about mailbox 1234
;peercontext=local ; Default context to request for calls to peer
;callerid="Some Host" <(256) 428-6011>

;description=Gateway to PSTN
;trunk=yes ; Use IAX2 trunking with this host
;timezone=America/New_York ; Set a timezone for the date/time IE

; Friends are a shortcut for creating a user and a peer with the same values.

;secret=moofoo ; Multiple secrets may be specified. For a "user", all
;secret=foomoo ; specified entries will be accepted as valid. For a "peer",
;secret=shazbot ; only the last specified secret will be used.

; With immediate=yes, an IAX2 phone or a phone on an IAXy acts as a hot-line
; which goes immediately to the s extension when picked up. Useful for
; elevator phones, manual service, or other similar applications.
;immediate=yes ; go immediately to s extension when picked up
;secret=moofoo ; when immediate=yes is specified, secret is required
;context=number-please ; we start at the s extension in this context

; Trust Caller*ID Coming from iaxtel.com

; Trust Caller*ID Coming from iax.fwdnet.net

; Trust Caller*ID delivered over DUNDi/e164


Unable to support trunking on peer without a timing interface

加载一个 timing interface 实现

  • res_timing_timerfd
  • res_timing_pthread
  • res_timing_dahdi
  • res_timing_kqueue
module load res_timing_timerfd


IAX2 Trunk

  • 互相 register
  • 互相添加 friend
  • 可以通过 deny+permit 来提高安全性


register => B:[email protected]



register => A:[email protected]



  • reload
  • qualify
    • 无 qualify 会变成 unmonitored
    • qualify 后可能是 offline
  • restart
    • 如果一直 offline,注册有发送,尝试重启远程 asterisk
    • 遇到过几次
# 尝试 reload
module unload chan_iax2
module load chan_iax2